Thursday, December 31, 2009

Outsider Documentary on Laia Cabrera - CATARSI TV Producció Audiovisual

“ looks at the lives of thirteen Catalan artists who live and work in New York, Paris, London and Berlin. A production of Catarsi TV made in 2009 for the Xarxa de Televisions Locals de Catalunya (XTVL).”
La Laia Cabrera neix a Lleida. De ben jove l’atrau el món del video i de l’audiovisual. De fet, bona part de la seva formació la fa a la delegació de lleida de Televisió de Catalunya. La seva intenció no era quedar-se a Nova York, on hi arriba per diferents projectes i torna a marxar en funció de les feines que li surten, però hi acaba fixant residència des de fa 10 anys. Ha treballat amb estrelles com Andy Garcia de qui edita el documental “Cachao” i és la cineasta del Fashion Institute of technology de NY. El videoart i la música son les seves principals passions.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec 17, 2009: WALK PASA BOUGE at GLASSLANDS, Brooklyn, NYC

"Walk Pasa Bouge" (video performance concert)

by Cia LORROJO, Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger
with Guest Erica Glyn

A multiple video stream with aerial work and live sound.
Walk Pasa Bouge is a live video concert-performance conceived by an international group of artists in various disciplines that sits somewhere between experimental music, film-making, theater-dance and digital art.

Brice Malahude (experimental music, France), Laia Cabrera (visuals, based in New York), Maite San Juan (silk aerial, Spain), Isabelle Duverger (live drawing animation, France) and Erica Glyn (guitar-voice, Brooklyn, NYC)

Poster design and photography © 2009 Isabelle Duverger

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday Dec 13 2009: WALK PASA BOUGE at Issue Project Room, Brooklyn, NYC

WALK – PASA – BOUGE is visually designed to expand and refract literary texts, weaving disparate sources and forms into a seamless theatrical whole between all performers. The show is partly improvised, fusing electronic music with visuals created using both traditional techniques and digital technologies. Using highly unique and unusual setups, the visual artists may be following the music or creating a separate line of parallel play with the aerialist, to be viewed by the multi-tasking mind of the 21st century viewer.

Laia Cabrera (visual artist and independent film-maker from Spain, based in New York)
Maite San Juan (aerial artist and actress from Barcelona, based in Brussels)
Isabelle Duverger (photographer and designer from Paris based in NY)
Brice Malahude ( musician and sound designer from Paris, based in Brussels)

Poster design and Photography: © 2009 Isabelle Duverger